Monday, February 20, 2012

Post Prayer Needs

This is your place to post your prayer needs and/or share your melanoma journey. Thank you and God bless.

Lord, in Your mercy, look at Your children as they come before You in prayer. Draw us together to support each other, lift each other to Your Throne, cry with each other, laugh together, and remind each other that we are not alone on this road. You carry us and You bless us with family, friends, and each other. Thank You for Your power working in, for, and through us speaking calm into our storms and healing to our souls. We know the melanoma we live with, but we also live with faith and hope in You, knowing You have already won the victory over this enemy. Whatever tomorrow holds, we thank You that You hold tomorrow and nothing will come our way that You cannot handle. Thank You that You will not, cannot, and do not let us go. Amen and Amen!


  1. As always, scan time rolls around and I feel unsettled, nervous, anxious about the immediate future. Even tho I subscribe to the Lord's plan, I am perfectly imperfect and the fear nibbles away at my heart. Not the fear of dying and seeing our Lord .... the fear of suffering and pain...we have all seen way too much of this.
    So please keep me in your thoughts and prayers on Wednesday. PET/CT is 1:00-3:00 followed by an MRI of my brain. My husband is usually by my side, but will be flying out to Palm Springs, CA for business meetings. A dear friend will be going with me.
    Keep you posted...and thank you!
    The Commish....

    1. Lord, I lift up Debbie's scans and all the emotions that accompany them. I ask for safe travels for her husband and I offer thanks for her dear friend who will go with her. More importantly, thank You that You are with her and will see her through this. And God, I understand her fear of pain and suffering. We know what the worst of melanoma looks like and we don't want to experience it, I'm right there with her. You understand, too. You've got this. You've got Debbie's back. Now calm her soul please. Amen and Amen!
      Do keep me posted!
